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Traducere în limba română
pen1 I. substantiv
1. pană de scris.
2. (şi steel pen) peniţă.
3. toc, condei; stilou, toc rezervor;
a stroke of the pen o trăsătură de condei;
to put one's pen to paper, to set pen to paper, to take pen in hand a pune mâna pe toc / condei, a se apuca de scris, a se aşterne pe scris;
pen and ink a) toc şi cerneală, rechizite pentru scris, cele trebuincioase scrisului; b) scrisul, literatura, literele;
to put one's pen through smth. a intra cu tocul într-un text, a tăia, a corecta, a masacra.
4. trăgător (de desen).
5. (fig.) scris, stil, condei, talent (literar);
fluent pen condei bun, pană măiastră, fluenţă literară, uşurinţă la scris;
to live by one’s pen a trăi de pe urma scrisului.
6. (fig.) scriitor, pană, condei;
the best pens of the day cei mai buni scriitori ai zilei.
7. (înv.) pană (de pasăre).
8. plural (înv., poetic) penele tari care ajută pasărea la zbor.
pen1 II. verb tranzitiv
a scrie, a compune, a redacta (un articol, o scrisoare etc.);
to pen a few lines a aşterne pe hârtie câteva rânduri.
pen2 I. substantiv
1. ţarc, ocol (pentru vite); (şi sheep pen) stână;
chicken pen poiată pentru pui / găini, găinărie.
2. cuşcă;
pig pen cuşcă pentru porci.
3. (constr.) bazin, groapă;
lime-slacking pen bazin / groapă de stins var.
4. (mar.) refugiu pentru vase;
submarine pen refugiu pentru submarine;
(despre distrugătoare) to go in the pen a se refugia la bază.
5. (în Indiile Apusene) plantaţie, fermă.
pen2 II. past şi part. trec. penned sau pent verb A. tr. (şi to pen up / in)
1. a închide, a băga (vitele în ţarc / ocol); a ţărcui.
2. a îngrădi, a închide, a încorseta;
a house in which one feels penned up o casă în care te înăbuşi / în care parcă ai fi la închisoare.
pen2 II. past şi part. trec. penned sau pent verb B. reflexiv
(şi to pen oneself up) a se închide, a se fereca, a se zăvorî;
to pen oneself up in one's office a se închide / a se fereca / a se zăvorî în birou.
pen3 substantiv
(ornit.) lebădă femelă.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
“Do you recollect the date,” said Mr. Dick, looking earnestly at me, and taking up his pen to note it down, “when King Charles the First had his head cut off?”
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
The door of the pen was being opened again.
(White Fang, de Jack London)
Jo, give me that pen and paper.
(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)
The strength of these feelings, however, was far from assisting her pen; and never had it been harder for her to write than in addressing Eleanor Tilney.
(Northanger Abbey, de Jane Austen)
He noticed "Overdue" lying on the table and drew up his chair and reached for his pen.
(Martin Eden, de Jack London)
She felt its application to herself, felt it in a nervous thrill all over her; and at the same moment that her eyes instinctively glanced towards the distant table, Captain Wentworth's pen ceased to move, his head was raised, pausing, listening, and he turned round the next instant to give a look, one quick, conscious look at her.
(Persuasion, de Jane Austen)
It is with a heavy heart that I take up my pen to write these the last words in which I shall ever record the singular gifts by which my friend Mr. Sherlock Holmes was distinguished.
(The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
A pen, sir.
(The Return of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
That address will not be given in extenso in these columns, for the reason that a full account of the whole adventures of the expedition is being published as a supplement from the pen of our own special correspondent.
(The Lost World, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
I mend pens remarkably well.
(Pride and Prejudice, de Jane Austen)