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    permanent adjectiv

    permanent; constant; de lungă durată; stabil; fix;

    permanent post post inamovibil; post fix;

    permanent abode domiciliu stabil / fix;

    permanent repair reparaţii curente;

    permanent president preşedinte permanent; preşedinte pe viată;

    permanent magnetism magnetism permanent;

    permanent secretary secretar permanent;

    permanent wave ondulaţii permanente.

     Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

    It can be permanent, when an organ must be removed.

    (Ostomy, NIH: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases)

    A mutation that is typically a heritable, permanent change in the nucleotide sequence of the BRCA2 gene.

    (BRCA2 Gene Mutation, NCI Thesaurus)

    But some can lead to a permanent loss of vision.

    (Eye Diseases, NIH: National Eye Institute)

    A mutation that is typically a heritable, permanent change in the nucleotide sequence of the BRCA1 gene.

    (BRCA1 Gene Mutation, NCI Thesaurus)

    DNA primase forms a permanent complex with DNA polymerase alpha.

    (DNA Replication Pathway, NCI Thesaurus/KEGG)

    Transient or permanent diabetes mellitus that affects neonates.

    (Neonatal Diabetes Mellitus, NCI Thesaurus)

    She had imagined such difficulties of fortune to exist there as must prevent the marriage from being near at hand; but she learned from Charles that, very recently, (since Mary's last letter to herself), Charles Hayter had been applied to by a friend to hold a living for a youth who could not possibly claim it under many years; and that on the strength of his present income, with almost a certainty of something more permanent long before the term in question, the two families had consented to the young people's wishes, and that their marriage was likely to take place in a few months, quite as soon as Louisa's.

    (Persuasion, de Jane Austen)

    A glycoprotein with permanent structural defects is modified by the slow-acting enzyme ER mannosidase I. This enzyme attaches Man8 glycans to misfolded glycoproteins and in so doing generates a signal that results in ER-associated glycoprotein degradation (GERAD).

    (Endoplasmic Reticulum Degradation Pathway, NCI Thesaurus/BIOCARTA)