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Traducere în limba română
phase substantiv
1. fază, stadiu, perioadă;
the phases of an illness fazele unei boli;
to enter upon a new phase a intra într-un stadiu nou;
my life went through many phases am trecut în viaţă prin diverse perioade.
2. (electr.) fază;
lamp for single phase current bec pentru curent monofazic.
3. (astron.) fază;
phases of the moon fazele lunii.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
Mercury rules your sign (and also Virgo), so you are more sensitive than most to this planet when it is out of phase.
(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)
I used my knowledge of this phase of spiritual pathology, and laid down a rule that she should not be present with Lucy or think of her illness more than was absolutely required.
(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)
It was a new phase of his character to me, for I had never before seen him show any keen interest in natural objects.
(The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
S Phase Arrest consists of interference with, or restraint of, activities that regulate the cellular capacity to transit the cell cycle stage preceding G2 phase, when the entire DNA content of the nucleus is replicated (Synthesis phase).
(Negative Regulation of S Phase, NCI Thesaurus)
MK0731 selectively inhibits kinesin spindle protein (KSP), which may result in the inhibition of mitotic spindle assembly, induction of cell cycle arrest during the mitotic phase, and apoptosis in tumor cells that overexpress KSP.
(MK0731, NCI Thesaurus)
He could now devote himself with sure hand to the larger phases of the thing he shaped; and as he worked, hour after hour, he felt, as never before, the sure and cosmic grasp with which he held life and the affairs of life.
(Martin Eden, de Jack London)
How would it affect them, who were so innocent of London life, and London streets, to discover how knowing I was (and was ashamed to be) in some of the meanest phases of both?
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
Bone marrow, if involved, contains at least focal areas in which hematopoiesis is preserved; Lesion is - invasive into surrounding tissues and/or - present at greater than 1 site; Primarily a solid tumor mass; Progression to a leukemic phase (blood involvement) can be observed.; The disease generally transplants as a solid tumor.
(Mouse Non-lymphoid Hematopoietic Sarcoma, NCI Thesaurus/MMHCC)
This agent's hair growth stimulatory effect may be mediated through its vasodilatory activity, thereby increasing cutaneous blood flow, or due to its direct stimulatory effect on hair follicle cells and forcing them from their resting phase into their active growth phase.
(Minoxidil, NCI Thesaurus)
After internalization and enzymatic cleavage of the immunoconjugate within the tumor cell cytosol, free MMAF binds to tubulin and inhibits its polymerization, which may result in G2/M phase arrest and tumor cell apoptosis. 5T4, a transmembrane glycoprotein, is overexpressed by a variety of cancer cell types; its expression is correlated with increased invasiveness.
(Anti-5T4 Antibody-Drug Conjugate PF-06263507, NCI Thesaurus)