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Traducere în limba română
project I. verb A. tranzitiv
1. a arunca, a azvârli (un corp) înainte, a proiecta; a lansa (un proiectil).
2. (fig.) a proiecta, a plănui; a face un plan (cu gen.); a pune la cale;
to project a voyage a proiecta o călătorie.
3. (rar) a forma, a da forma (cu dat.), a modela; a înfătişa în mod corect / just.
4. (arhit.) a proiecta; a face un proiect (cu gen.); a lasa să iasă în afară (o zidărie), a face să iasă (o lucrare) în relief;
project buildings clădiri proiectate, cladiri în stare de proiect.
5. a proiecta, a arunca (o umbră, o rază de lumină etc.); a face o proiecţie (cu gen.); a proiecta o imagine sau un film pe ecran;
form projected against / on the sky forma desenată / proiectată pe cer.
project I. verb B. reflexiv
(fig.) a se transpune;
to project oneself into the past a se transpune în trecut;
to project oneself into smb.'s feelings a se transpune în starea sufletească a cuiva.
project I. verb C. intranzitiv
1. a ieşi în afară, a fi proeminent, a se revărsa; a înainta, a ieşi;
stone that projects from the wall piatra care iese din zid;
balcony projecting over the pavement balcon suspendat deasupra trotuarului;
to project beyond the building line a depaşi aliniamentul;
a strip of land projects into the sea o limbă de pământ înaintează în mare.
project II. substantiv
1. proiect, plan;
to form a project a face un proiect / un plan;
to carry out a project a îndeplini un proiect;
to upset a project a zădărnici un proiect/ un plan.
2. construcţie nouă; construcţie realizată.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
I bore the weight of all our little cares, and all my projects; Dora held the pens; and we both felt that our shares were adjusted as the case required.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
In this case, it is likely due to changes in your manuscript or the overall direction of the project.
(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)
The overall goal of the project is to create an integrated tool to support all aspects of a clinical trial, including Protocol development/submission, Administration, Patient Management, and Data Collections and Acquisitions.
(Clinical Trials Informatics System, NCI Thesaurus)
Suddenly he gave an exclamation of satisfaction and pointed to a single tree, which projected at a peculiar angle over the side of the stream.
(The Lost World, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
Nothing was fixed on; but Henry Crawford was full of ideas and projects, and, generally speaking, whatever he proposed was immediately approved, first by her, and then by Mr. Rushworth, whose principal business seemed to be to hear the others, and who scarcely risked an original thought of his own beyond a wish that they had seen his friend Smith's place.
(Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)
Your views for Harriet are best known to yourself; but as you make no secret of your love of match-making, it is fair to suppose that views, and plans, and projects you have;—and as a friend I shall just hint to you that if Elton is the man, I think it will be all labour in vain.
(Emma, de Jane Austen)
Beside it sat the dead man, leaning back in his chair, his thin beard projecting, his spectacles pushed up on to his forehead, and his lean dark face turned towards the window and twisted into the same distortion of terror which had marked the features of his dead sister.
(His Last Bow, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
Before they parted, however, it was agreed that the projected walk should be taken as soon as possible; and, setting aside the misery of his quitting their box, she was, upon the whole, left one of the happiest creatures in the world.
(Northanger Abbey, de Jane Austen)
Since the completion of this project its mission has expanded to encompass a broad range of studies aimed at understanding the structure and function of the human genome and its role in health and disease.
(National Human Genome Research Institute, NCI Thesaurus)
Two material advantages of Bath over London had of course been given all their weight: its more convenient distance from Kellynch, only fifty miles, and Lady Russell's spending some part of every winter there; and to the very great satisfaction of Lady Russell, whose first views on the projected change had been for Bath, Sir Walter and Elizabeth were induced to believe that they should lose neither consequence nor enjoyment by settling there.
(Persuasion, de Jane Austen)