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Traducere în limba română
proof I. substantiv
1. probă, dovadă, evidenţă;
conclusive proof probă / dovadă concludentă / grăitoare;
clear proof of guilt probă / dovadă evidentă a vinovăţiei;
to adduce / to afford / to bring forward / to give / to offer / to produce proof sau proofs a prezenta, a aduce o dovadă sau dovezi;
to give proof of a da dovadă de (bunăvoinţă etc.), a aduce dovezi (despre naţionalitate etc.), a dovedi;
to give proof of goodwill a da dovadă de bunăvoinţă, a arăta bunăvoinţă;
to give proof of one’s gratitude to smb. a-şi arăta / a-şi manifesta recunoştinţa faţă de cineva;
this is proof that he is right aceasta este o dovadă că are dreptate;
to have sufficient proof a avea suficiente dovezi;
by way of proof ca dovadă;
in proof of / as a proof of one’s good faith ca dovadă a bunei credinţe;
capable of proof care poate fi dovedit / demonstrat;
to await proof of smth. a aştepta confirmarea unui lucru;
(jur.) proof of a right dovedirea / justificarea / constatarea unui drept;
to pay smb. a sum upon submission of proof of identity a plăti cuiva o sumă contra legitimatiei;
(jur.) proof by documentary evidence notorietate de drept;
(jur.) proof by evidence of witnesses notorietate de fapt;
document in proof piesă justificativă, act justificativ.
2. probă, încercare, verificare;
to bring / to put smth. proof a pune ceva la probă / încercare;
it has stood the proof a rezistat la probă / încercare;
(prov.) the proof of the pudding is in the eating proof pentru a şti. cum e budinca trebuie s-o mănânci, totul se verifică în practică; trebuie să judeci după rezultat.
3. (chim.) eprubetă.
4. (poligr.) corectură, şpalt, copie; imprimat de probă (al unei gravuri).
5. (mat.) probă; control.
proof II. adjectiv
1. rezistent; impenetrabil;
proof against damp, damp proof impermeabil, etanş;
crash-proof rezistent la zdrobire;
bullet-proof impenetrabil pentru gloanţe;
proof against poison refractar / imun la otravă.
2. (fig.) insensibil, inaccesibil;
to be proof against danger a fi la adăpost de pericol;
proof against temptation insensibil la ispită.
proof III. verb tranzitiv
1. (poligr.) a trage o corectură a (cu gen.), a executa tipare de probă ale (cu gen.).
2. a impermeabiliza (o ţesătură); a face etanş (pentru praf etc.); a face rezistent (la acizi etc.).
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
I have almost every link in my hands, and all the proofs which I could possibly need, so there is little which you need tell me.
(The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
The proof was in three long slips.
(The Return of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
We could hardly ask any one, even did we wish to, to accept these as proofs of so wild a story.
(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)
But here is a proof of what I was saying.
(Northanger Abbey, de Jane Austen)
We have no proof that the person who came back was the person who went out.
(His Last Bow, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
I’ve had my agent over at Monte Video, and he believes he has proof that Avon died there.
(Rodney Stone, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
But not one editor had given that proof of existence.
(Martin Eden, de Jack London)
You have seen no proof of this yet, but in the weeks ahead, and certainly in January, you will.
(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)
When there was no proof of attachment and affection that she would not have given him.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
You are his object—and you will soon receive the completest proof of it.
(Emma, de Jane Austen)