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Traducere în limba română
pump1 I. substantiv
1. pompă.
2. pompare.
3. (fig.) aflare (a tainelor) prin întrebări stăruitoare.
4. (fig.) om dibaci în aflarea secretelor cuiva.
pump1 II. verb A. intranzitiv
1. a pompa; a acţiona o pompă.
2. (despre mercurul din barometru) a avea variaţiuni bruşte.
3. a pulsa;
his head was pumping îi băteau tâmplele.
pump1 II. verb B. tranzitiv
1. a extrage cu o pompă.
2. (fig.) a stoarce (un secret) prin întrebări stăruitoare; a iscodi (pe cineva).
3. (into) a pompa (în).
4. (fig.) a istovi.
5. to pump out a extrage cu pompa;
to pump out a well a epuiza apa dintr-un puţ, a seca un puţ;
to pump up a) a pompa, a împinge prin pompare; b) a umfla (un cauciuc).
pump2 substantiv
1. pantof (bărbătesc) de lac.
2. pantof escarpin.
3. pantof de balet.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
The supermassive black hole at the centre of this giant galaxy acts like a mechanical pump in a fountain.
(ALMA and MUSE Detect Galactic Fountain, ESO)
Here he shook hands with me: not in the common way, but standing at a good distance from me, and lifting my hand up and down like a pump handle, that he was a little afraid of.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
Upon oral administration, P-gp inhibitor HM30181AK selectively binds to and inhibits the multidrug resistance (MDR) efflux pump P-gp, which prevents the efflux of various chemotherapeutic agents from intestinal epithelial cells to the gastrointestinal tract.
(P-glycoprotein Inhibitor HM30181AK, NCI Thesaurus)
The boy sat down again and looked at his pumps, till Jo said, trying to be polite and easy, "I think I've had the pleasure of seeing you before. You live near us, don't you?"
(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)
Functioning as a modulator of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) and multidrug resistance protein (MRP-1), biricodar restores drug sensitivity to cells expressing P-glycoprotein and MRP1, the cellular efflux pumps that are the major causes in tumor cell resistance to chemotherapeutic agents.
(Biricodar, NCI Thesaurus)
Although the exact mechanism of action has yet to be fully elucidated, armodafinil appears to inhibit the reuptake of dopamine by binding to the dopamine-reuptake pump, which leads to an increase in extracellular dopamine levels in some brain regions.
(Armodafinil, NCI Thesaurus)