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Traducere în limba română
quiet I. adjectiv
1. liniştit, calm, domolit, potolit, tihnit, paşnic;
keep quiet! stai liniştit! nu face gălăgie!;
the wind is quiet vântul s-a potolit.
2. nepretenţios, modest, simplu;
a quiet dinner party o masă intimă / fără fast;
a quiet wedding o căsătorie modestă;
a quiet style un stil simplu.
3. (despre culori) şters, pal(id), care nu sare în ochi, spălăcit;
quiet colours culori terne.
4. tainic, secret, ascuns;
to keep smth. quiet a tăinui / a ascunde ceva, a trece ceva sub tăcere.
5. calm, netulburat, imperturbabil;
a quiet cup of tea o ceaşcă de ceai băută pe îndelete / în tihnă;
all quiet on the western front nimic nou pe frontul de vest.
6. liniştit, paşnic; retras;
a quiet nook un colţ / ungher liniştit.
7. (com., despre afaceri) slab.
quiet II. substantiv
linişte, calm, tihnă, repaus; tăcere;
on the quiet pe ascuns / furiş / neştiute / tăcute, în taină.
quiet III. verb A. tranzitiv
1. a linişti, a calma, a potoli, a domoli.
2. a risipi (temeri, îndoieli etc.).
quiet III. verb B. intranzitiv
1. a se linişti, a se calma, a se potoli.
2. to quiet down a se linişti, a se potoli; a înceta.
quiet IV. interjecție
sst! nici o vorbă! tăcere! linişte!
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
"And I did not expect it: she looked so quiet at first."
(Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)
This will be a very quiet month that will allow you time to think about the coming year and to dream about all that you’d like to accomplish.
(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)
"Be quiet, sir!" said the Princess.
(The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, de L. Frank Baum)
Our best chance is to lie quiet until they have given up the search.
(The Lost World, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
Oh! I am in such ecstasies at the thoughts of a little country air and quiet!
(Northanger Abbey, de Jane Austen)
By her other aunt, Susan was received with quiet kindness.
(Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)
Ross 128 is the “quietest” nearby star to host such a temperate exoplanet.
(Closest Temperate World Orbiting Quiet Star Discovered, ESO)
They both, however, kept their courage, and remained silent and quiet.
(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)
“There are several quiet little villages up there.”
(The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
When there is no pain I have perfect peace and quiet.
(The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)