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    Traducere în limba română

    ramble I. verb intranzitiv

    1. a se plimba fără ţintă, a hoinări;

    to ramble through the streets a rătăci pe străzi.

    2. a face excursii pe jos.

    3. (bot.) a se căţăra, în toate părţile.

    4. a divaga,a vorbi incoerent.

    5. to ramble on a bate câmpii, a vorbi vrute şi nevrute.

    ramble II. substantiv

    1. plimbare fără ţintă, hoinăreală.

    2. excursie;

    to go for a ramble a pleca într-o excursie.

    3. discurs incoerent; vorbire incoerentă.

     Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

    It was after my return from one of these rambles that my father, calling me aside, thus addressed me, I am happy to remark, my dear son, that you have resumed your former pleasures and seem to be returning to yourself.

    (Frankenstein, de Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley)

    But in the course of the evening I had rambled down to the door, and a little way along the street, that I might have another peep at the old houses, and the grey Cathedral; and might think of my coming through that old city on my journey, and of my passing the very house I lived in, without knowing it.

    (David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)

    But I, and the rest who continued well, enjoyed fully the beauties of the scene and season; they let us ramble in the wood, like gipsies, from morning till night; we did what we liked, went where we liked: we lived better too.

    (Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)