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    rated adjectiv

    nominal; normal; stabilit, calculat; proiectat.

     Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

    This instrument consists of 11 signs or symptoms which are assessed and rated by a clinician.

    (Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale Questionnaire, NCI Thesaurus)

    Each question is rated on a scale of 0-4 with 0 being 'never' and 4 being 'very often'.

    (Current Opioid Misuse Measure Questionnaire, NCI Thesaurus)

    Each symptom is rated on a scale of 0-4 with 0 being none and 4 being the most severe.

    (Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale Questionnaire, NCI Thesaurus)

    Each item is rated on a scale from 0 to 3 with 0 being none and 3 being severe.

    (Clinical Dementia Rating Questionnaire, NCI Thesaurus)

    Each symptom is rated on a scale of 1-7 or 1-9 with 1 being non-existent and 7 being very severe; 9 represents 'can not be assessed'.

    (Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale A Questionnaire, NCI Thesaurus)

    The first two sections contain a total of 3 items which are rated on a scale of 0 to 3 with 0 being none or normal and 3 being severe.

    (Barnes Akathisia Rating Scale Questionnaire, NCI Thesaurus)

    Each symptom is rated on a scale of 0-2, 0-3, or 0-4 with 0 being absent and 2, 3, or 4 being the most severe.

    (Hamilton Depression Rating Scale 17 Item Questionnaire, NCI Thesaurus)

    The play-performance scale for children is a parent-rated instrument which records usual play activity as the index of performance.

    (Lansky Play-Performance Status, NCI Thesaurus)

    You and me should get on well, Hawkins, for I'll take my davy I should be rated ship's boy.

    (Treasure Island, de Robert Louis Stevenson)

    My word, how he rated us, and how glad we were at last to sneak quietly away.

    (Rodney Stone, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)