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    Traducere în limba română

    real1 adjectiv I.

    real; adevărat; autentic;

    it is the real thing e un lucru real/ o realitate;

    the real world lumea reală;

    a real friend un prieten adevărat;

    (ec.) real value valoare reală.

    2. natural, adevărat; curat, pur; veritabil, nefalsificat;

    (fam., mai ales despre băuturi) the real stuff lucru nefalsificat, marfă veritabilă, băutură naturală;

    real Madeira wine vin de Madeira veritabil/ nefalsificat.

    3. sincer, neprefăcut;

    his intentions are real intenţiile sale sunt sincere.

    4. (jur.) real, imobiliar;

    real action acţiune reală, patrimonial.

    ◊ the real thing obiect de prima clasă.

    real1 adjectiv II. substantiv

    the real realul, ceea ce este real; ceea ce există în realitate; realitatea.

    real1 adjectiv III. adverb

    (amer. sl.) într-adevăr, cu adevărat, realmente; foarte, grozav de; cu totul;

    a real fine day o zi cu adevărat frumoasă.

    real2 substantiv

    (ist.) real (monedă veche spaniolă).

     Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

    There must be ample room in it for every real comfort.

    (Emma, de Jane Austen)

    "It is real. It is true. And I must write life as I see it."

    (Martin Eden, de Jack London)

    Away ran Jo, and Mrs. March gently told Meg Mr. Brooke's real feelings.

    (Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)

    Then a letter which she had been previously preparing for Fanny was finished in a different style, in the language of real feeling and alarm; then she wrote as she might have spoken.

    (Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)

    I never knew either father or mother, so that the dear old man's death is a real blow to me.

    (Dracula, de Bram Stoker)

    Your real name you will not give?

    (Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)

    The men think us incapable of real friendship, you know, and I am determined to show them the difference.

    (Northanger Abbey, de Jane Austen)

    She tried to explain the real state of the case to her sister.

    (Sense and Sensibility, de Jane Austen)

    And this is your real opinion!

    (Pride and Prejudice, de Jane Austen)

    “On that understanding,” said my aunt, “though it doesn't lessen the real obligation, I shall be very glad to leave him.”

    (David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)