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    Traducere în limba română

    share1 I. verb A. tranzitiv

    1. (şi share out) (among) a împărţi (între; la; cu dat.); a distribui (între; cu dat.);

    they would share their last penny with us şi-ar împărţi (şi) ultimul ban / bănuţ cu noi;

    (fig.) he would share his last cruet şi-ar da şi cămaşa de pe el;

    to share a room a împărţi o cameră.

    2. a împărtăşi, a avea aceeaşi, a fi de aceeaşi (părere).

    3. a lua parte la, a participa la, a fi părtaş la (cheltuieli etc.).

    share1 I. verb B. intranzitiv

    1. (in) a lua parte, a fi părtaş (la); a contribui (la).

    2. (in) a se împărţi (în).

    share1 II. substantiv

    1. parte; porţiune; cuantum; participare; contribuţie;

    their share of the spoil partea lor de pradă;

    to taker a share in the expenses a plăti (şi el) o parte din cheltuieli, a participa la plată;

    for my share (din) partea mea;

    to go shares in smth. a contribui sau a participa la ceva; a-şi avea partea sa la / în ceva;

    to go shares with smb. a face parte cu cineva; a merge pe din două, trei etc. cu cineva;

    he had little share in the conversation nu a prea luat parte la conversaţie.

    2. (econ.) participare, participaţie.

    3. (econ.) acţiune;

    to hold shares in a company a fi acţionar al unei societăţi.

    4. (econ.) profit, câştig.

    share2 substantiv

    (agr.) fier lat, brăzdar.

     Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

    No, if he had believed me at all to share his feelings, he would not have been so wretched.

    (Emma, de Jane Austen)

    A few months had seen the beginning and the end of their acquaintance; but not with a few months ended Anne's share of suffering from it.

    (Persuasion, de Jane Austen)

    News will be personal and something you might not want to share with others quite yet.

    (AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)

    So the giants were left behind with no goods to share or quarrel about.

    (Fairy Tales, de The Brothers Grimm)

    These thoughts he had tried to share, but never had he found a woman capable of understanding—nor a man.

    (Martin Eden, de Jack London)

    “You have certainly had your share,” said Holmes.

    (The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

    May God support you under your share!

    (Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)

    But now she would no longer conceal from her his share in Lydia's marriage.

    (Pride and Prejudice, de Jane Austen)

    If there ever was a time when I felt unwilling that you should have a sorrow or anxiety which I could not share, it is now.

    (David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)

    I always wanted you to jine and take your share, and die a gentleman, and now, my cock, you've got to.

    (Treasure Island, de Robert Louis Stevenson)