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Traducere în limba română
shell I. substantiv
1. coajă, scoarţă, ghioacă, înveliş.
2. (zool.) cochilie de scoică, valvă; crustaceu, scoică; teastă, carapace, platoşă; (entom.) elitră.
3. (fig.) loc / punct şubred / care poate fi uşor atacat/ vulnerabil.
4. (sport) barcă uşoară cu lopeţi.
5. (metal.) anvelopă, înveliş exterior, înveliş.
6. (arhit.) sehelet, cherestea, schelă, schelărie.
7. garda săbiei.
8. (mil.) proiectil gol; obuz; bombă; grenadă.
9. (com.) (şi tortoise shell) scutier.
10. plural ochelari pe nas.
11. sicriu provizoriu.
shell II. verb A. tranzitiv
1. a curăţi (de coajă), a dezghioca, a coji, a decortica, a lua (coaja);
(amer.) to shell corn a curăţi porumbul.
2. (mil.) a bombarda.
3. (sl.) (şi to shell down) a plăti, a da bani.
shell II. verb B. reflexiv
(şi to shell off) a se coji, a se jupui, a se dezghioca, a i se lua coaja.
shell II. verb C. intranzitiv
(despre seminţe) a cădea.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
The stout wood was crushed like an egg-shell.
(The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)
At last, by good luck, he found a large empty snail-shell.
(Fairy Tales, de The Brothers Grimm)
The calcium comes from the egg shell.
(Chorioallantoic membrane, NCI Dictionary)
But she could not find enough to satisfy her, for the cheeks were very thin, and the hands seemed too feeble to hold even the rosy little shells they had been collecting.
(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)
Everything was gone, down to the little mirror with the oyster-shell frame.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
A solid dosage form in which the drug is enclosed within either a hard or soft soluble container or shell made from a suitable form of gelatin; additionally, the capsule is covered in a designated coating.
(Coated Capsule Dosage Form, NCI Thesaurus/CDISC)
A solid dosage form in which the drug is enclosed within either a hard or soft soluble container or 'shell' made from a suitable form of gelatin; the drug itself is in the form of granules to which varying amounts of coating have been applied.
(Coated Pellet in Capsule Dosage Form, NCI Thesaurus/CDISC)
A solid dosage form in which the drug is enclosed within either a hard or soft soluble container or shell made from a suitable form of gelatin; additionally, the capsule is covered in a designated coating, and which releases a drug (or drugs) in such a manner to allow at least a reduction in dosing frequency as compared to that drug (or drugs) presented as a conventional dosage form.
(Extended Release Coated Capsule Dosage Form, NCI Thesaurus/CDISC)
A solid dosage form in which the drug is enclosed within either a hard or soft soluble container or 'shell' made from a suitable form of gelatin; additionally, the capsule is covered in a designated film coating, and which releases a drug (or drugs) in such a manner to allow at least a reduction in dosing frequency as compared to that drug (or drugs) presented as a conventional dosage form.
(Extended Release Film Coated Capsule Dosage Form, NCI Thesaurus/CDISC)
And now the best food was cooked for poor Hansel, but Gretel got nothing but crab-shells.
(Fairy Tales, de The Brothers Grimm)