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Traducere în limba română
shunting substantiv
1. (ferov.) înstalaţie de triaj I de manevră.
2. (electr.) şuntare; legătură în paralel / derivaţie.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
The enzymatically synthesized isoform, 1,3-isoform diacylglycerol, is suggested to decrease formation of chylomicrons as well as shunting them directly to the liver through the portal vein where they are oxidized.
(Diacylglycerol, NCI Thesaurus)
A cardiopulmonary disorder characterized by systemic arterial hypoxemia secondary to pulmonary hypertension and extrapulmonary right to left shunting across the foramen ovale and ductus arteriosus.
(Persistent Fetal Circulation, NCI Thesaurus)
This agent may stimulate tumor necrosis and promote shunting of blood flow to viable regions of the tumor, increasing their oxygenation and rendering them more susceptible to the antitumor effects of hyperthermia and ionizing radiation.
(Mitoflaxone, NCI Thesaurus)