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Traducere în limba română
singe I. verb tranzitiv
1. a arde uşor; a pârli;
(fig.) to singe one feathers / wings a se arde, a se păcăli;
to singe one’s reputation a-şi mânji reputaţia.
2. a pârli (părul, mustaţa, porcul, păsări tăiate); a flamba, a trece prin flacără;
to singe (off) cloth a pârli stofa.
3. (text.) a gaza.
singe II. substantiv
1. arsură uşoară.
2. pârlire.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
But her singing he did not question.
(Martin Eden, de Jack London)
He rode home, but the singing had so deeply touched his heart, that every day he went out into the forest and listened to it.
(Fairy Tales, de The Brothers Grimm)
Next moment he was gaily singing Mr. Peggotty's song, as we walked at a round pace back to Yarmouth.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
After pacing to and fro in much agitation, he struck his forehead, and burst out in a wild strain, singing of his hatred for Roderigo, his love for Zara, and his pleasing resolution to kill the one and win the other.
(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)
Twice ere they reached open ground they had to break their way through small bodies of horses, and once there came a whistle of arrows and singing of stones about their ears; but, still dashing onwards, they shot out from among the tents and found their own comrades retreating for the mountains at no very great distance from them.
(The White Company, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
But not long was the interval of tranquillity; for, when supper was over, singing was talked of, and she had the mortification of seeing Mary, after very little entreaty, preparing to oblige the company.
(Pride and Prejudice, de Jane Austen)
How they are singing out!
(Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)
Then I had a vague memory of something long and dark with red eyes, just as we saw in the sunset, and something very sweet and very bitter all around me at once; and then I seemed sinking into deep green water, and there was a singing in my ears, as I have heard there is to drowning men; and then everything seemed passing away from me; my soul seemed to go out from my body and float about the air.
(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)
Her eyes were looking down upon its face, and she sat singing to it.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
Once in summer-time the bear and the wolf were walking in the forest, and the bear heard a bird singing so beautifully that he said: Brother wolf, what bird is it that sings so well?
(Fairy Tales, de The Brothers Grimm)