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Traducere în limba română
sitting I. substantiv
1. şedinţă, întrunire, adunare.
2. dată, oară; şedinţă;
at one sitting dintr-o dată;
to write a letter at one sitting a scrie o scrisoare dintr-o trăsătură de condei.
3. loc rezervat (într-o biserică).
4. loc pentru clocit; clocire.
sitting II. adjectiv
1. aşezat;
sitting hen găină / cloşcă pe ouă;
(amer. sl.) to be sitting pretty a fi bine plasat, a avea un serviciu bun.
2. în şedintă;
(pol.) our sitting member deputatul care ne reprezintă acum.
3. (despre vânat) în repaus, pe labele dinapoi, în cuib, aşezat.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
After sitting a little while Miss Crawford was up again.
(Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)
“The current's less a'ready, sir,” said the man Gray, who was sitting in the fore-sheets; “you can ease her off a bit.”
(Treasure Island, de Robert Louis Stevenson)
I am only afraid of your sitting up for me.
(Emma, de Jane Austen)
“I think I must ask you to remain sitting exactly where you are.”
(The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
But, as I was saying: sitting in that window-seat, do you think of nothing but your future school?
(Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)
"Talk to me, please. It's dull, sitting by myself," answered Frank, who had evidently been used to being made much of at home.
(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)
“You an't cross, I suppose, Peggotty, are you?” said I, after sitting quiet for a minute.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
UCLA researchers recruited 35 people ages 45 to 75 and asked about their physical activity levels and the average number of hours per day they spent sitting over the previous week.
(Sitting Is Bad for Your Brain, Editura Global Info)
I am now sitting by his bedside, where I can see his face while he sleeps.
(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)
You remember how you all retired, and left me sitting in this very room, and at that very table.
(Rodney Stone, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)