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    smoothing substantiv

    netezire; aplatizare.

     Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

    “This is it. There is no name,” said she, smoothing it out upon the counter.

    (The Return of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

    He snatched it from her in his eagerness, and smoothing it out upon the table he drew over the lamp and examined it intently.

    (The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

    We saw in this a way of smoothing matters, so at Fundu, where the Bistritza runs into the Sereth, we got a Roumanian flag which we now fly conspicuously.

    (Dracula, de Bram Stoker)

    "My dress is blue and white checked," said Dorothy, smoothing out the wrinkles in it.

    (The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, de L. Frank Baum)

    A mixing parameter typically giving a degree of smoothing used, or a relaxation parameter defining a rate of convergence.

    (Lambda, NCI Thesaurus)

    Come, she went on, springing to her feet, and smoothing down her rumpled frock, let us walk through the shaw together, and we may come upon Bertrand with the horses.

    (The White Company, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

    An electronic device designed to improve the output quality of a power source, typically by smoothing the output voltage.

    (Line Conditioner Device Component, NCI Thesaurus)

    "What a queer smell! It's like burned feathers," observed Amy, smoothing her own pretty curls with a superior air.

    (Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)

    Child, child! said my aunt, smoothing her dress, how soon it might come between us, or how unhappy I might make our Little Blossom, if I meddled in anything, a prophet couldn't say.

    (David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)

    Doctors use it in small doses to treat health problems, including: • Temporary smoothing of facial wrinkles and improving your appearance • Severe underarm sweating • Cervical dystonia - a neurological disorder that causes severe neck and shoulder muscle contractions • Blepharospasm - uncontrollable blinking • Strabismus - misaligned eyes • Chronic migraine • Overactive bladder

    (Botox, NIH)