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spake verb
(înv. şi poetic) past de la speak.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
So spake reason; but, in spite of all, her voice was ever in his ears and her image in his heart.
(The White Company, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
Spake explains the importance of the discovery: Helium is the second-most common element in the Universe after hydrogen.
(Hubble detects helium in the atmosphere of an exoplanet for the first time, ESA/Hubble)
Later, I served under the Warden of Berwick, that very John Copeland of whom our friend spake, the same who held the King of Scots to ransom.
(The White Company, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
By St. Ives! it is the good priest who spake for them in the hall.
(The White Company, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
“By my hilt!” cried the archer, “though I be not Balaam, yet I hold converse with the very creature that spake to him. What is amiss, then, and how have I played you false?”
(The White Company, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)