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Traducere în limba română
span1 verb (aproape înv.) past de la spin (1).
span2 I. substantiv
1. palmă, şchioapă (măsură de lungime);
long span (= 9 inches) palmă;
short span (= 7 inches) şchioapă.
2. (fig.) interval de timp, răstimp; scurtă distanţă, mică depărtare; palmă, şchioapă; perioadă, epocă; durată;
his life had well-nigh completed its span viaţa lui se apropia de sfârşit.
3. lungime (a unui pod); lăţime (a unui râu).
4. (şi full arm-span) anvergură, a braţelor etc.
5. (şi wing-span) distanţa dintre extremităţile aripilor întinse (ale unei păsări); (av.) lonjeron, anvergură.
6. (constr.) lumină, deschidere (a unui pod); deschidere (a unui arc, a unei bolţi);
single span bridge pod cu o singură travee.
7. (mar.) labă de gâscă, furcă de trotă.
8. (amer.) atelaj; pereche de cal, catâri, boi etc.
9. (ferov.) sector; distanţă (între staţii).
10. (mat.) coardă (de arc).
11. (tehn.) rază de acţiune a macaralei.
span2 II. verb A. tranzitiv
1. a măsura cu palma.
2. (fig.) a cuprinde / a măsura / a îmbrăţişa cu privirea;
his eyes spanned the intervening space măsura din ochi distanţa.
3. (despre un arc, o boltă, un acoperiş etc.) a acoperi; (despre un pod) a trece peste (râu etc.), a lăsa malurile (râului etc.);
three bridges span the river trei poduri trec peste râu / leagă malurile râului;
to span a river with a bridge a construi / a face un pod peste un râu;
(ferov.) gantry spanning four sets of rails punte de semnalizare peste patru linii;
(muz.) to span the octave a avea un registru de o octavă.
4. a cuprinde, a îmbrăţişa (şi fig.);
to span smb.’s wrist a cuprinde (cu mâna) încheietura mâinii cuiva;
his life spans nearly the whole century anii vieţii lui cuprind aproape întregul secol.
5. (mar.) a strânge cu parâmele.
6. (electr.) a şunta.
span2 II. verb B. intranzitiv
1. (amer.) (despre animale de tracţiune înhămate împreună) a se potrivi (la mărime, culoare) (şi fig.)
2. (over) (despre un pod) a trece (peste).
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
In addition, some immunotherapy treatments, such as CAR T cells and immune checkpoint inhibitors, are limited by the life span of T cells.
(Harnessing T-cell “stemness” could enhance cancer immunotherapy, National Institutes of Health)
I know now the span of my life. God help me!
(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)
October fell in the middle of the five-and-a-half-month period that spanned the eclipses of July 2 and July 16 and the next eclipses due, December 25, 2019, and January 10, 2020.
(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)
Greenland's ice sheet is huge, spanning more than 660,000 square miles.
(New research shows an iceless Greenland may be in the future, National Science Foundation)
When the scientists looked at seasonal trends over the same period, the most notable expansion of the Sahara occurred in summer, resulting in a nearly 16 percent increase in the desert's average area over the 93-year span covered by the study.
(New study finds world’s largest desert, the Sahara, has grown by 10 percent since 1920, National Science Foundation)
Their study demonstrated that the fasting-mimicking diet reduced risks for cancer, diabetes, heart disease and other age-related diseases in human study participants who followed the special diet for five days each month in a three-month span.
(Fasting-Mimicking Diet May Reverse Diabetes, Editura Global Info)
Anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody TL011 specifically binds to the B cell-specific cell surface antigen CD20 antigen (MS4A1; membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A, member 1), thereby potentially triggering an immune response against CD20-positive B cells, leading to B cell apoptosis.
(Anti-CD20 Monoclonal Antibody TL011, NCI Thesaurus)
The researchers noted that current and future pre-clinical studies may show that senolytics could be used to enhance life span not only in older people, but also in cancer survivors treated with senescence-inducing radiation or chemotherapy and people with a range of senescence-associated chronic diseases.
(Senolytic drugs reverse damage caused by senescent cells in mice, National Institutes of Health)
On the other hand, in a typical eukaryotic ABC transporter, the membrane spanning protein and the ATP-binding protein are fused, forming a multi-domain protein with the membrane-spanning domain (MSD) and the nucleotide-binding domain (NBD).
(ABC Transporter Pathway, NCI Thesaurus/KEGG)
Watch all the days that span December 13 to 17 for happy financial news related to your career.
(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)