Editura Global Info / Dicţionar englez-român |
Traducere în limba română
spawning I. substantiv
1. bătaia peştelui.
2. icre (de peşte).
spawning II. adjectiv
1. (despre peşti) care depune icre.
2. (fig.) prolific, roditor, care se prăseşte repede.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
“If adults retain this ability, it would help them with migration between feeding and spawning areas.”
(North Atlantic haddock use magnetic compass to guide them, National Science Foundation)
On Earth, worms and clams that live in the muddy sea beds require 1 mg per liter, bottom feeders such as crabs and oysters 3 mg per liter, and spawning migratory fish 6 mg per liter, all within 0.2 moles per cubic meter, 6.4 mg per liter.
(Simple animals could live in Martian brines, Wikinews)