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specific I. adjectiv
1. (biol.) specific, care aparţine / e propriu speciei;
specific difference diferenţă specifică;
the generic and specific names of a plant numele genului şi speciei unei plante.
2. specific, caracteristic, tipic, distinctiv.
3. definit, determinat, anumit; exact, precis; concret;
a specific aim un scop determinat;
specific statement afirmaţie / aserţiune / declaraţie în termeni precişi.
4. (med.) specific;
specific cause cauză specifică (a unei anumite boli);
specific remedy remediu specific.
5. (fiz.) specific.
specific II. substantiv
(med.) remediu specific; medicament specific.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
I have two specific romantic days for you to watch.
(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)
Specific metabolic changes that characterize an organism's state of health or disease, or response to a particular therapeutic intervention, and helps make diagnosis more accurate or enable physicians to make diagnosis before symptoms appear and to track disease progression.
(Metabolic Marker, NCI Thesaurus)
Upon exposure to the tumor-associated antigens (TAA) released from dying glioma cells, which were killed by thymidine kinase-mediated valacyclovir-induced tumor cell death, the DCs initiate a specific immune response against any remaining TAA-expressing tumor cells.
(Ad-hCMV-Flt3L, NCI Thesaurus)
The monocytes are infected with the rAAV that carries the TAA gene; this is followed by co-culture of the monocyte-derived, mature rAAV-transfected DCs and the isolated lymphocytes to generate CTLs against the specific TAA.
(AAV-DC-CTL Tumor Cell Targeting Therapy, NCI Thesaurus)
This protein is comprised of the signal peptide of the LDLR chaperone MESD protein, fused to all but the first 8 amino acids of the sentrin-specific protease 1 protein, including the nuclear localization and protease domains.
(MESDC2/SENP1 Fusion Protein, NCI Thesaurus)
Vaccination with Ad5F35-LMP1/LMP2-transduced autologous dendritic cells may stimulate a specific cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) response against LMP1- and LMP2-expressing tumor positive cells, resulting in tumor cell lysis and inhibition of tumor cell proliferation.
(Ad5F35-LMP1/LMP2-Transduced Autologous Dendritic Cells, NCI Thesaurus)
This study is the first of its kind to take such an in-depth examination of a gene-diet interaction, one that pertains to obesity and the differential response to dietary saturated fat between individuals carrying variants of a specific gene, APOA2.
(International Research Team Finds Correlation Between Genetics and Obesity Is Modified by Diet, U.S. Department of Agriculture)
For the researchers themselves, however, the greatest benefit of this technology is not that they set a new speed record, but that they are now able to film how specific substances change in the same process.
(World's Fastest Film Camera, Editura Global Info)
As January dawns, you will be extremely busy with so many specifics coming at you that you will need to keep organized.
(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)