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Traducere în limba română
splitting I. adjectiv
1. care (se) crapă.
2. (despre dureri de cap) violent, puternic.
3. iute ca fulgerul.
4. (despre o glumă etc.) care te face să mori de râs, grozav.
splitting II. substantiv
1. despicare.
2. explozie, detunătură.
3. diviziune, separare; descompunere, disociere; clivaj;
the splitting of the atom dezintegrarea atomului.
4. (pielărie) spăltuire.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
It was as ear-splitting as any whistle of a railway-engine; but whereas the whistle is a clear, mechanical, sharp-edged sound, this was far deeper in volume and vibrant with the uttermost strain of agony and horror.
(The Lost World, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)