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    Traducere în limba română

    standard I. substantiv

    1. drapel, steag, stindard, pavilion;

    (fig.) to march under the standard of a păşi sub steagul (cu gen.);

    to raise the standard of revolt a înălţa steagul revoltei.

    2. etalon, tip; standard;

    gold standard etalon aur.

    3. model, măsură, regulă; îndreptar; valoare; criteriu; regulator;

    standard of living nivel de trai.

    4. arbore expus vântului din toate părţile.

    5. grad, calitate;

    high standard of intelligence nivel intelectual înalt;

    not to come up to the standard a nu se ridica până la nivelul dorit;

    standard of purity of gold titlul aurului.

    6. piedestal; consolă.

    7. normă.

    standard II. adjectiv

    1. etalon, standard; normal;

    standard size mărime standard.

    2. (despre un autor, o carte etc.) clasic;

    standard writer scriitor clasic.

     Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

    These were the men who set the standard, and their trade carried with it this obvious recommendation, that it is one in which no drunken or foul-living man could long succeed.

    (Rodney Stone, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

    He had his proofs from the books, the books that had educated him beyond the Morse standard.

    (Martin Eden, de Jack London)

    Adrenal Cancer is an NCI Cancer Therapeutic Evaluation Program (CTEP) Simplified Disease Classification (SDC) category used to organize cancer-related disease coding that harmonizes with and supports reporting based on the global standard Medical Dictionary for Drug Regulatory Reporting (MedDRA) terminology.

    (NCI CTEP SDC Adrenal Cancer Sub-Category Terminology, NCI Thesaurus)

    AIDS-related Malignancy and Condition, Miscellaneous is an NCI Cancer Therapeutic Evaluation Program (CTEP) Simplified Disease Classification (SDC) category used to organize cancer-related disease coding that harmonizes with and supports reporting based on the global standard Medical Dictionary for Drug Regulatory Reporting (MedDRA) terminology.

    (NCI CTEP SDC AIDS-related Malignancy and Condition, Miscellaneous Sub-Category Terminology, NCI Thesaurus)

    Astrocytoma, Low Grade is an NCI Cancer Therapeutic Evaluation Program (CTEP) Simplified Disease Classification (SDC) category used to organize cancer-related disease coding that harmonizes with and supports reporting based on the global standard Medical Dictionary for Drug Regulatory Reporting (MedDRA) terminology.

    (NCI CTEP SDC Astrocytoma, Low Grade Sub-Category Terminology, NCI Thesaurus)

    Bone Neoplasm, Miscellaneous is an NCI Cancer Therapeutic Evaluation Program (CTEP) Simplified Disease Classification (SDC) category used to organize cancer-related disease coding that harmonizes with and supports reporting based on the global standard Medical Dictionary for Drug Regulatory Reporting (MedDRA) terminology.

    (NCI CTEP SDC Bone Neoplasm, Miscellaneous Sub-Category Terminology, NCI Thesaurus)

    About average Territorial standard.

    (The Lost World, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

    Bone Neoplasm is an NCI Cancer Therapeutic Evaluation Program (CTEP) Simplified Disease Classification (SDC) category used to organize cancer-related disease coding that harmonizes with and supports reporting based on the global standard Medical Dictionary for Drug Regulatory Reporting (MedDRA) terminology.

    (NCI CTEP SDC Bone Neoplasm Category Terminology, NCI Thesaurus)

    Basal Cell Carcinoma is an NCI Cancer Therapeutic Evaluation Program (CTEP) Simplified Disease Classification (SDC) category used to organize cancer-related disease coding that harmonizes with and supports reporting based on the global standard Medical Dictionary for Drug Regulatory Reporting (MedDRA) terminology.

    (NCI CTEP SDC Basal Cell Carcinoma Sub-Category Terminology, NCI Thesaurus)

    Acute Myeloid Leukemia is an NCI Cancer Therapeutic Evaluation Program (CTEP) Simplified Disease Classification (SDC) category used to organize cancer-related disease coding that harmonizes with and supports reporting based on the global standard Medical Dictionary for Drug Regulatory Reporting (MedDRA) terminology.

    (NCI CTEP SDC Acute Myeloid Leukemia Sub-Category Terminology, NCI Thesaurus)