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    Traducere în limba română

    stiff I. adjectiv

    1. rigid, tare, băţos, ţeapăn; / înţepenit întărit;

    stiff cardboard carton tare;

    stiff paste cocă aluat tare;

    stiff brush perie aspră;

    stiff joints încheieturi / articulaţii înţepenite;

    to have a stiff neck a avea gâtul ţeapăn;

    to feel stiff a se simţi (cam) înţepenit / amorţit.

    2. (fig.) inflexibil, neînduplecat, ferm, hotărât; încăpăţânat;

    to offer a stiff resistance a opune o rezistenţă îndârjită.

    3. (fig.) încordat, silit, constrâns; nefiresc; ceremonios;

    a stiff bow un salut rece;

    (as) stiff as a poker scrobit; parcă ar fi înghiţit un făcăleţ.

    4. greu, anevoios;

    a stiff battle o luptă grea.

    5. (despre vânt) puternic, aspru.

    6. (despre băuturi) vârtos, tare.

    7. (despre preţuri) exagerat, urcat.

    (fam.) that’s a bit stiff asta-i cam prea de tot!

    stiff II. substantiv (sl.)

    1. cadavru (pentru disecţie);

    to crave a stiff a face o disecţie.

    2. cambie; bancnote, bani de hârtie;

    to do a bit of stiff a accepta o cambie, o poliţă.

    3. (amer.) cal tânăr.

    4. (amer. austr.) tâmpit, netot.

    stiff III. verb intranzitiv

    a deveni ţeapăn; a deveni încăpăţânat.

     Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

    I felt quite stiff across the small of the back, so much so that I straightened up with an effort and with pain.

    (The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)

    “They stand very stiff, and I trust that they have not been struck so.”

    (The White Company, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

    My aunt, retaining her stiff position, and apparent composure, assented with a nod.

    (David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)

    "It's naughty to fret, but I do think washing dishes and keeping things tidy is the worst work in the world. It makes me cross, and my hands get so stiff, I can't practice well at all."

    (Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)

    Let Miss Eyre be seated, said he: and there was something in the forced stiff bow, in the impatient yet formal tone, which seemed further to express, What the deuce is it to me whether Miss Eyre be there or not?

    (Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë)

    To fully understand how brain softness and stiffness influences cell behavior, the researchers investigated Piezo1 – a protein found on the cell surface, which informs the cell whether the surrounding environment is soft or stiff.

    (Cambridge scientists reverse ageing process in rat brain stem cells, University of Cambridge)

    He flushed warmly as he took her hand and looked into her blue eyes, but the fresh bronze of eight months of sun hid the flush, though it did not protect the neck from the gnawing chafe of the stiff collar.

    (Martin Eden, de Jack London)

    It was a stiff pull, but their weariness fell from them as they crouched low to the snow, whining with eagerness and gladness as they struggled upward to the last ounce of effort in their bodies.

    (Love of Life and Other Stories, de Jack London)

    They were stiff and in pain; their muscles ached, their bones ached, their very hearts ached; and because of this they became sharp of speech, and hard words were first on their lips in the morning and last at night.

    (The Call of the Wild, de Jack London)

    My body was stiff from exertion as well as from cold, and my aching muscles gave me the severest torture whenever I used them, and I used them continually.

    (The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)