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    technology substantiv

    1. tehnică, ştiinţe tehnice şi aplicate.

    2. tehnologie.

     Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

    For the researchers themselves, however, the greatest benefit of this technology is not that they set a new speed record, but that they are now able to film how specific substances change in the same process.

    (World's Fastest Film Camera, Editura Global Info)

    The vision of the Unconventional Innovations Program is to couple detection and diagnostic technologies based on remote sensing to far less invasive treatments than those employed today which, though often effective, can be uncomfortable and painful.

    (NCI Unconventional Innovations Program, NCI Thesaurus)

    He and his colleagues also are working on energy technologies, such as solar cells and batteries that can improve efficiency and reduce the cost of solar cells, and increase the capacity and reduce the charging time of batteries, he says.

    (Materials for the next generation of electronics and photovoltaics, Editura Global Info)

    The technology improves the way the medicine's active principle is processed by the human body (liquid formulas in existence, in addition to not being recommended by the World Health Organization, have a rather unpleasant taste, a short expiration date, and high transportation costs).

    (New HIV medicine under development for children in Brazil, Agência Brasil/EBC)

    The mission of the Cancer Imaging Program, National Cancer Institute, is to promote and support Cancer-related basic, translational and clinical research in imaging sciences and technology, and integration and application of these imaging discoveries and developments to the understanding of cancer biology and to the clinical management of cancer and cancer risk.

    (Cancer Imaging Program, NCI Thesaurus)

    A team from the Australian government’s research agency, the CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization), says the pioneering technology will allow highly flammable hydrogen to be safely transported in the form of ammonia and used as a widely available fuel.

    (Cars Powered by New Fuel Type Tested in Australia, VOA)