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Traducere în limba română
temperature substantiv
temperatură, grad de încălzire;
to take one's temperature a-şi lua temperatura, a-şi pune termometrul;
to have a temperature a avea temperatură (ridicată), a avea febră.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
A relationship between a planned activity and one of the following where all activities are intended to occur at some point in the course of a particular study:- another planned activity where the source activity does not occur unless the target activity has occurred- the defined outcome of another planned activity where the source activity does not occur unless the target activity outcome has occurred- a planned group of other criteria that may be composed of a mix of other activities, observation results and/or other groups Example: Only perform a certain lab test if drug X was administered. (target = another activity); Only perform a substance administration of drug X if the blood pressure was over some threshold number. (target = observation result from another activity that is an observation); Only perform a substance administration of drug Y if the blood pressure was over some threshold number and either the result of a certain lab test was positive or the subject's temperature was elevated, i.e. (A and (B or C)).
(Planned Contingent On Relationship, NCI Thesaurus/BRIDG)