Editura Global Info / Dicţionar englez-român |
Traducere în limba română
the înaintea sunetelor consonantice şi semivocalic;
the boy băiatul;
the boys băieţii;
the girl fata;
the girls fetele;
the university universitatea;
the window fereastra; atunci când; a) urmează o vocală;
the eye ochiul; b) articolul e substantivizat;
“the” is an article „the" e articol; c) articolul e accentuat;
I said "the" pupil, not "this" pupil am spus „elevul", nu „acest" elev; d) articolul e folosit ca un superlativ (modificator);
Shakespeare, the poet Shakespeare, poetul (poeţilor / prin excelenţă etc.).
the I. art. hot.
1. (anaforic, adică aşezat pe lângă substantive amintite mai înainte sau presupus cunoscute)
Grannie was telling a story. The story was very exciting. Bunicuţa spunea o poveste. Povestea (aceasta) era foarte captivantă;
do you like the tale of Snow White? îţi place povestea Albei-ca Zăpada?;
open the window, please deschide fereastra, te rog.
2. (generic, adică cu substantive care indică genul sau sunt luate în sensul cel mai general; înaintea unor substantive care nu au decât formă de sg. sau pl.; înaintea substantivelor precedate de prepoziție; înaintea unor adjective substantivizate; în definiţii şi proverbe) the horse calul (genul Equus);
the horse is a useful animal calul e un animal folositor;
the public publicul;
the acoustics acustica;
in the mountains în munţi, la munte;
at the seaside la mare;
the rich bogaţii, bogătaşii, bogătanii;
the English englezii;
the beautiful frumosul;
the swallow is a migratory bird (sau a bird of passage) rândunica e o pasăre călătoare;
(prov.) the shirt is nearer than the coat mai aproape dinţii decât părinţii;
(prov.) the more haste the less speed graba strică treaba.
3. (determinant nesemnificativ, adică înaintea unor nume proprii şi a substantivelor considerate unite) the Thames Tamisa;
the Mediterranean Mediterana;
the Alps Alpii;
the British Isles Insulele Britanice;
the British Channel Canalul Mânecii;
the Bucharest Ballet Theatre House Teatrul de Operă şi Balet din Bucureşti;
the British Museum Muzeul Britanic;
the Morning Star (ziarul) Morning Star;
the "Eagle" „Vulturul" (vas);
the Smith and the Browns familia Smith şi familia Brown, Brown-ii şi Smithii;
the sun soarele;
the earth pământul;
the north nordul.
4. (în unele expresii, mai ales cu rol distributiv) to pass the time a-şi (pe)trece vremea;
to put the cart before the horse a face lucrurile anapoda / pe dos / de-a-ndoasele;
brandy at three shillings the bottle rachiu la trei şilingi sticla;
it costs five shillings the ticket costă cinci şilingi biletul.
the II. adverb (precedând un adjectiv sau un alt adverb la gradul comp.) cu cât, cu atât, şi, încă;
the... the... cu cât... cu atât...;
the sooner the better cu cât mai repede, cu atât mai bine;
so much the better cu atât mai bine;
so much the more cu atât mai mult;
(înv.) the rather that cu atât mai mult cu cât.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
This was the most unbelievable part of the entire episode!
(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)
The trainer, John Straker, is a retired jockey who rode in Colonel Ross’s colours before he became too heavy for the weighing-chair.
(The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
Folklore, legends, myths and fairy tales have followed childhood through the ages, for every healthy youngster has a wholesome and instinctive love for stories fantastic, marvelous and manifestly unreal.
(The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, de L. Frank Baum)
His head had been horribly mutilated by an expanding revolver bullet, but no weapon of any sort was to be found in the room.
(The Return of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
The golden feather was brought to the king in the morning, and all the council was called together.
(Fairy Tales, de The Brothers Grimm)
Eating chocolate may have some health pluses, but the research is far from certain.
(Can Chocolate Really Be Good for You?, Editura Global Info)
Being practically on the frontier—for the Borgo Pass leads from it into Bukovina—it has had a very stormy existence, and it certainly shows marks of it.
(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)
I scarcely know where to begin, though I sometimes facetiously place the cause of it all to Charley Furuseth’s credit.
(The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)
No one saw him and Buck go off through the orchard on what Buck imagined was merely a stroll.
(The Call of the Wild, de Jack London)
There will call upon you to-night, at a quarter to eight o’clock, it said, a gentleman who desires to consult you upon a matter of the very deepest moment.
(The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
