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Traducere în limba română
think past şi part. trec. thought verb A. tranzitiv
1. a gândi, a se gândi la, a reflecta la, a medita la, a concepe, a înţelege; a imagina, a închipui;
to think no harm a nu avea intenţii rele;
to think evil thoughts a se gândi la lucruri rele; a avea gânduri rele;
I can't think what you mean nu înţeleg ce vrei să spui;
you can't think how good it is n-ai idee ce bun e;
he thinks he knows everything îşi închipuie / crede că ştie tot;
one would have thought that ai fi zis că, ai fi crezut că;
who would have thought it! cine ar fi crezut!;
to think that he is only eighteen! şi când te gândeşti că n-are decât optsprezece ani!;
I only think to help you nu vreau decât să te ajut;
did you think to bring any food? te-ai gândit să aduci ceva de mâncare?;
do you think you could do it? crezi că (o să) poţi s-o faci?;
I should never have thought it nu mi-aş fi închipuit niciodată (una ca asta).
2. a crede, a socoti, a considera;
the doctor thinks it is measles doctorul crede că e pojar;
I thought all was over mi-am zis că total s-a terminat;
I think she's pretty găsesc că e drăguţă;
I think it's going to rain cred / am impresta că va ploua;
it is thought that se crede că;
I think so aşa socot, aşa cred;
I should hardly think so e puţin probabil;
I should (just) think so! te cred şi eu! mie-mi spui!;
if you think it necessary dacă crezi că e nevoie;
the crew were thought to be lost echipajul era socotit (ca) pierdut.
3. to think out a imagina; a concepe;
we had to think out a plan a trebuit să ne gândim / să găsim un plan (de acţiune);
well thought-out plan proiect bine chibzuit / bine studiat;
carefully thought-out answer răspuns bine cântărit;
to think over a reflecta asupra (cu gen.);
think over what I have said (mai) reflectează la (cele) ce ţi-am spus;
I'll think the matter over o să mă mai gândesc la asta;
think it over (again)! mai gândeşte-te! mai reflectează!;
give us time to think it over daţi-ne timp de gândire;
on thinking it over gândindu-ne mai bine;
(amer.) to think up v. to think out.
think past şi part. trec. thought verb B. reflexiv
a se socoti, a se crede, a se considera;
he thinks himself a hero se crede erou;
he thinks himself a great man se crede om mare/ grozav.
think past şi part. trec. thought verb C. intranzitiv
1. a (se) gândi, a cugeta, a medita, a reflecta; a-şi imagina, a-şi închipui;
I think, therefore I am cuget, deci exist;
to think aloud, to think out loud a se gândi cu voce tare;
think hard a medita profund; a-şi bate capul;
think before you speak gândeşte-te înainte de a vorbi;
give me time to think dă-mi timp / răgaz să mă gândesc;
his name was - let me think - yes, David Smith numele lui este - un moment să mă gândesc - da, David Smith;
think again! mai gândeşte-te!;
only think închipuieşte-ţi!;
what think you? ce părere ai?;
(pop.) I don't think! în ruptul capului! asta-i bună! auzi vorbă! păi! vezi să nu!
2. to think about v. to think of;
to think of a) a se gândi la, a medita asupra, a reflecta la;
one can't think of everything nu poţi (niciodată) să te gândeşti la toate;
when you come to think of it dacă stai să te gândeşti; la o adică;
the best thing I can think of cel mai bun lucru la care pot să mă gândesc / pe care pot să-l găsesc;
what am I thinking of? unde mi-e capul?;
think of a number gândeşte-te la un număr;
think of that! ia imaginează-ţi!;
I thought of him as being older mi l-am închipuit mai bătrân; b) a-şi aduce aminte de;
I can't think of his name nu-mi amintesc numele lui;
I can't think of the word now nu-mi pot aduce aminte acum de cuvânt; c) a avea intenţia să, a se gândi să;
I think of buying a car mă gândesc să-mi cumpăr o maşină;
I thought of going to the theatre intenţionam să mă duc la teatru; d) a avea o părere despre;
what do you think of him? cum îl găseşti, ce părere ai despre el?;
to think a great deal (sau too much sau quite a lot) of oneself a avea o părere foarte bună despre sine; a fi încrezut, a se crede;
to think too much of smth. a acorda / a da prea multă importanţă unui lucru;
to think ill / badly of smb. a avea o părere proastă despre cineva;
to think little / nothing of smb. a nu ţine cont de cineva; a nu avea o părere bună despre cineva;
to think well / highly / much of smb., to think no end of smb., to think the world of smb. a avea cea mai bună părere despre cineva; e) a se gândi la;
think of what your father would say! gândeşte-te la ce o să spună tatăl tău!;
think of the expenses! gândeşte-te la cheltuieli!
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
How clearly he thought, and how well he expressed what he thought!
(The Sea-Wolf, de Jack London)
While I am thinking about what I shall do, I'll tell you what you will have to do—tell Mr.—er—Haythorne who I am.
(Love of Life and Other Stories, de Jack London)
"Take care," he said, "take care how you cut yourself. It is more dangerous than you think in this country."
(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)
“I think I should like to have a word with you presently, Mr. Sherlock Holmes,” said he.
(The Return of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
“Judging by its effect upon my brother, I should think it must be a most extraordinary one.”
(His Last Bow, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
“I thought at first that you had done something clever, but I see that there was nothing in it after all.”
(The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
I have no doubt that my poor dear mother thought him so too.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
“I would that all men were of thy way of thinking.”
(The White Company, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
I began to think I should never see you.
(Persuasion, de Jane Austen)
"I thought of that," Bill answered gravely.
(White Fang, de Jack London)