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Traducere în limba română
thought1 substantiv
1. gândire, cugetare, reflecţiune, reflecţie, meditare;
depth of thought profunzime de gândire.
2. gând, cuget, idee; noţiune, concepţie;
to collect / to compose one's thoughts a-şi aduna gândurile / minţile;
to give thought to a se gândi / a cugeta / a reflecta la, a medita asupra;
absorbed / buried / engrossed / lost in thought (sau in one's own thoughts) cufundat în (propriile sale) gânduri; (dus) pe gânduri;
on / upon second thoughts după o adâncă chibzuială, gândindu-se mai bine;
(as) quick as thought, (as) swift as thought iute ca gândul;
second thought următorul gând;
(pronume) second thoughts are best mai bine sa întrebi de două ori, decât să greşeşti o dată;
the stream / train of thought şirul gândurilor / ideilor;
to take thought a) a cădea pe gânduri, a se îngândura; a se gândi, a reflecta, a cugeta (la); b) a chibzui bine, a medita adânc;
to carry one's thoughts back a-şi purta gândurile în trecut;
to dismiss / to discard from one's thoughts a-şi scoate (ceva) din minte;
to entertain / to harbour a thought a nutri un gând;
I didn't give it a thought nu m-am gândit (la asta), nu mi-a venit în gind, nici prin gând nu mi-a trecut;
to read smb.'s thoughts a ghici gândurile cuiva;
suddenly the thought struck me that deodată, brusc, îmi trecu / trăzni prin minte că / mă străbătu gândul că;
inmost thoughts gânduri lăuntrice;
merry thoughts of a fool, festă, renghi, glumă.
3. părere, opinie, vedere, idee;
to my thoughts după părerea mea.
4. intenţie, gând;
to have other thoughts a avea alte intenţii / planuri;
he has thoughts of marrying are intenţia/ are de gând să se însoare.
5. atenţie, consideraţie, grijă;
I thank you for your kind thought of me vă mulţumesc pentru atenţia dumneavoastră (faţă de mine).
6. grijă; atenţie; mâhnire, întristare; melancolie;
to take no thought of smb. a nu se alarma din pricina cuiva;
to take no thought of smth. a nu se alarma din pricina unui lucru, a nu da atenţie unui lucru;
take no thought for the morrow nu te îngriji de ziua de mâine.
7. (fam.) o idee, un pic, putin;
the sleeves are a thought too short mânecile sunt o idee cam scurte.
thought2 past şi part. trec. de la think.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
Because I thought I should soon see you myself.
(Northanger Abbey, de Jane Austen)
I looked back before I reached Farnham, but the man was gone, so I thought no more about it.
(The Return of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
Alas, alas! said Hans, who would have thought it?
(Fairy Tales, de The Brothers Grimm)
It was all over, I thought.
(Treasure Island, de Robert Louis Stevenson)
You could not be expected to have thought on the subject before; but when you do think of it, you must see the importance of getting in the grass.
(Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)
My heart beat so loud all the time that sometimes I thought I should faint.
(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)
"I thought you'd do it," said Mrs. March, smiling as if satisfied.
(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)
He crouched and bristled a little at the thought of it.
(White Fang, de Jack London)
I thought you were his father!
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
That must be her mother, he thought.
(Martin Eden, de Jack London)