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Traducere în limba română
thread I. substantiv
1. fir (şi fig.), filament, tort, fir tors, fibră, firicel;
(fig.) to hang by a thread a atârna de un fir de aţă.
2. (tehn.) tăiere (de filet etc.).
3. plural (amer. sl.) (costum de) haine.
thread II. verb A. tranzitiv
1. to thread the needle a băga aţa în ac.
2. a înşira (mărgele etc.).
3. a străbate, a pătrunde (prin), a trece cu greu peste (obstacole);
to thread one's way a-şi croi drum cu greu prin; a se furişa prin.
4. (tehn.) a fileta (un şurub, o ţeavă).
thread II. verb B.
1. (in) a se înşuruba (în).
2. (through) a-şi croi drum cu greu (prin), a se furişa (prin).
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
Not a thread changes, in the house of the two little bird-like ladies.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
Black anger ate at his heart; but he gave no sign, threading his way among the camp-fires until he came to one where sat an old man.
(Love of Life and Other Stories, de Jack London)
On the other hand, by using cotton thread, such devices need very small volumes of reagents (normally between 1 and 10 microlitres).
(Scientists design devices to calculate the concentration of potassium in water, of creatinine in urine, or glucose in blood using smartphone technology, University of Granada)
Dear Capricorn, you have the month that will be spun with the golden threads that dreams are made of, and this month will only be the beginning of so much more to come to you.
(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)
And then she stopped in her work, and looked at me, with her needle drawn out to its thread's length.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
Over the past few years, the UGR researchers have developed various devices based on cotton thread combined with a smartphone to photograph the device, analyse the colour produced in the testing, and calculate the concentration.
(Scientists design devices to calculate the concentration of potassium in water, of creatinine in urine, or glucose in blood using smartphone technology, University of Granada)
I sat all the while, amazed by Mr. Micawber's disclosure, and wondering what it meant; until Mrs. Micawber resumed the thread of the discourse, and claimed my attention.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
The work being now finished, the two girls, whose names I had not heard, brushed the shreds and threads from their dresses, and went into the shop to put that to rights, and wait for customers.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)