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Traducere în limba română
tight I. adjectiv
1. compact, consistent; îndesat.
2. (despre mobilă etc.) solid, rezistent; bine lucrat.
3. (despre persoane) solid, voinic, vânjos.
4. impermeabil; etanş, ermetic;
(tehn.) tight fit ajustare etanşă;
(mar.) tight ship navă etanşă;
(fam.) as tight as wax tăcut ca mormântul.
5. (bine) înţepenit, greu de mişcat, greu de scos;
the cork is so tight that it can't be withdrawn dopul e atât de bine înţepenit încât nu poate fi scos.
6. (despre funie, coardă etc.) (bine) întins; (despre nod, şurub, piuliţă etc.) (bine) strâns;
the nut is tight piuliţa e strânsă (până la refuz);
the nut is not tight piuliţa are joc;
to keep a tight hand on the reins a ţine frâul strâns;
to keep a tight hand / hold / rein on / over smb. a ţine pe cineva de scurt;
(as) tight as a drum bine întins, întins la maximum.
7. (despre haine, încălţăminte etc.) (prea) ajustat, strâmt;
my boots are (too) tight ghetele îmi sunt (prea) strâmte / mă supără;
tight coat haină strâmtă;
tight round the waist ajustat în talie;
(too) tight under the arms care supără / jenează / ţine la subsuori;
tight waistcoat cămaşă de forţă.
8. (fam.) apăsător;
my chest feels very tight, I feel tight on the chest mă apasă pieptul.
9. (fam.) critic, dificil, greu;
in a tight corner / place / squeeze într-o situaţie critică, la strâmtoare, în încurcătură;
to get / to drive smb. in a tight corner a încolţi pe cineva, a strânge cu uşa pe cineva.
10. (amer. fam.) foarte econom; v. tight-fisted (2).
11. (sl.) beat, ameţit, cherchelit, afumat, aghesmuit;
(as) tight as a fiddler, (amer.) (as) tight as a brick / drum beat mort.
12. (mine, despre zăcăminte) închis.
13. (înv. fam.) cochet, curăţel, drăguţ; minunat;
a tight little wench o fetiţă drăguţă şi curăţică;
a tight little house o căsuţă bine construită şi confortabilă;
a pretty tight week he made of it! ce săptămână minunată a trecut!
14. (sport, despre meciuri) strâns, bine echilibrat, disputat cu înverşunare.
15. (com. fin.) rar, puţin, greu de obţinut; (despre piaţă) sărac, slab; (despre piaţa financiară) critic, în stare de penurie, în criză de bani;
tight bargain afacere care lasă puţină marjă de câştig;
money is tight e lipsă de bani, banii sunt puţini.
16. (înv., amer.) agil, sprinten.
tight II. adverb
1. ermetic; bine;
to close tight a (se) închide ermetic;
(despre uşi, ferestre, ochi) shut tight, tight shut bine închis.
2. ferm, cu fermitate, bine, tare;
to hold smth. tight a ţine ceva strâns / bine;
to screw a nut up tight a strânge o piuliţă până la refuz;
to blow a football tight a umfla bine o minge de fotbal;
(auto) to pump the tyres tight a umfla bine pneurile;
(fam.) to sit tight a) a şedea locului / nemişcat; a şedea impasibil; b) a nu ceda, a nu se lăsa, a se ţine bine; c) a nu se lăsa amăgit / păcălit, a nu se lăsa dus de nas / tras pe sfoară; d) a şedea nemişcat / reţinându-şi spaima;
(sl.) blow me tight! drace! (interjecţie exprimând mirarea sau admiraţia).
3. (în expr. ) to fit tight a fi bine ajustat, a se potrivi bine;
to fit too tight a fi (prea) strâmt.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
I used to see Father sometimes put his finger on his lips, and look at you with a very kind but sober face, and you always folded your lips tight and went away.
(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)
I had thrown myself beside her in an agony of helpless grief, and putting my arms around held her tight.
(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)
At this sign of coming aid the clerk held on the tighter, and at last was able to pin his man down and glanced behind him to see where all the noise was coming from.
(The White Company, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
To see the clinging of that pretty little thing to her uncle, said Mr. Omer; to see the way she holds on to him, tighter and tighter, and closer and closer, every day, is to see a sight.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
I tell you, Holmes, I have had to keep a tight hold upon myself all this time; and now I am asking myself whether, if I had let myself go a little more, I might not have been a wiser man.
(The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
I have my doubts, too, founded on the acute experience acquired at this period of my life, whether a sound enjoyment of animal food can develop itself freely in any human subject who is always in torment from tight boots.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
Mother, are you angry when you fold your lips tight together and go out of the room sometimes, when Aunt March scolds or people worry you? asked Jo, feeling nearer and dearer to her mother than ever before.
(Little Women, de Louisa May Alcott)
His past is a clue, and the one page of it that we know—and that from his own lips—tells that once before, when in what Mr. Morris would call a 'tight place,' he went back to his own country from the land he had tried to invade, and thence, without losing purpose, prepared himself for a new effort.
(Dracula, de Bram Stoker)