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tooth-like adjectiv
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
According to the presence or absence of tooth-like structures, it is classified as complex type or compound type.
(Odontoma, NCI Thesaurus)
A bony tooth-like process projecting from the second cervical vertebra.
(Odontoid Process, NCI Thesaurus)
It is characterized by the presence of tooth-like structures.
(Compound Odontoma, NCI Thesaurus)
Multiple P waves typically appear in the inferior leads in a saw tooth-like pattern between the QRS complexes.
(Atrial Flutter, NCI Thesaurus/CDISC)
It is characterized by the presence of enamel and dentin and the absence of tooth-like structures.
(Complex Odontoma, NCI Thesaurus)
The scientists discovered evidence that the specimen harbored a benign tumor made up of miniature, tooth-like structures.
(Scientists discover fossil tumor in 255 million-year-old mammal forerunner, NSF)
Odontoma of complex type is characterized by the presence of enamel and dentin and the absence of tooth-like structures.
(Odontoma, NCI Thesaurus)
Odontoma of compound type is characterized by the presence of tooth-like structures.
(Odontoma, NCI Thesaurus)