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Traducere în limba română
tour I. substantiv
1. călătorie, voiaj; voiaj circular; cursă, plimbare, excursie;
organized tour circuit turistic;
conducted tours excursii sau călătorii organizate;
to start on a tour a pleca în voiaj;
to make the tour of a country a călători printr-o ţară, a vizita o ţară;
to make a tour of / through Europe a face o călătorie prin (toată) Europa;
a tour round the world o călătorie în jurul lumii;
exploring tour călătorie de explorare;
the grand tour călătorie prin toată Europa (făcută de fiii aristocraţilor cu scopul de a şti, desăvârşi educaţia);
to be on tour a fi în călătorie;
they were on a tour through France voiajau prin Franţa;
wedding tour voiaj de nuntă;
official tour călătorie oficială;
walking / pedestrian tour călătorie pe jos, excursie pe jos.
2. turneu; rond;
tour of inspection (tur de) inspecţie;
(teatru) to take a company on tour a pleca cu o trupă de teatru în turneu;
(teatru) company on tour trupă în turneu;
(mil.) tour of duty rond de serviciu;
in / by tours alternativ, pe rând.
3. tur de dans.
4. perucă;
tour of hair perucă.
5. (înv.) întoarcere; mişcare circulară.
3. (înv.) fel, procedeu, manieră.
tour II. verb A. intranzitiv
1. a călători, a face călătorii;
to go touring, to go a touring a face călătorii;
to tour through / about a country a călători printr-o ţară.
2. (înv.) a se întoarce.
tour II. verb B. tranzitiv
a cutreiera, a colinda;
to tour a country a călători printr-o ţară;
(teatru) the play will tour the provinces in the spring la primăvară piesa va pleca în turneu în provincie.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
Venus will tour Capricorn, a good place for Venus to be for you, from November 25 to December 19.
(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)
Before they were separated by the conclusion of the play, she had the unexpected happiness of an invitation to accompany her uncle and aunt in a tour of pleasure which they proposed taking in the summer.
(Pride and Prejudice, de Jane Austen)
Also, fortunate for you will be the continued tour of Venus in Aquarius until January 13.
(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)
Mercury will retrograde in Pisces and will be touring your solar fourth house of home, so this is the area of life where you’ll feel the greatest effect of Mercury.
(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)
The eleventh house is also the house of profits from work, so if you are self-employed, the effort you put in last year (December 2018 to December 2019) when Jupiter was touring your tenth house of career success should have brought a major victory, if you aimed for one.
(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)
You’ve not had Mars in Scorpio for two years, and now that you do, Mars will give you an important advantage over your competition. Mars touring your sign is always an ideal time to launch a new venture or relationship, and Mars will remain in Scorpio until January 3, 2020.
(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)