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    Traducere în limba română

    transportation substantiv

    1. (amer. înv.) transportare, transport.

    2. mijloc de transport.

    3. (amer.) cost, speze de transport.

    4. (amer.) bilet (de tren, tramvai etc.); foaie de drum.

    5. (ist.) deportare;

    convict sentenced to transportation ocnaş condamnat la deportare.

     Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

    The technology improves the way the medicine's active principle is processed by the human body (liquid formulas in existence, in addition to not being recommended by the World Health Organization, have a rather unpleasant taste, a short expiration date, and high transportation costs).

    (New HIV medicine under development for children in Brazil, Agência Brasil/EBC)