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    Traducere în limba română

    tube I. substantiv

    1. (tehn.) tub, ţeavă, pipă; burlan; conductă;

    boyler tube ţeavă de cazan;

    (auto) inner tube cameră de aer;

    (mar.) torpedo tube tub lans-torpilă.

    2. (radio, T.V.) tub electronic.

    3. tub (de pastă de dinţi, de culoare etc.).

    4. (anat.) canal; conduct; trompă.

    5. (ferov.) metro (mai ales cel din Londra);

    we came in the tube, we came by tube am luat metroul, am venit cu metroul.

    tube II. verb A. tranzitiv

    1. a prevedea cu tuburi etc. (un puţ de mină etc.).

    2. (chir.) a tuba (laringele); a drena (o plagă adâncă).

    3. (fam.) a lua metroul, a merge cu metroul;

    on Sundays we tube it to Victoria Terminus duminicile luăm metroul până la staţia terminus Victoria.

    tube II. verb B. intranzitiv

    a lua metroul, a merge cu metroul.

     Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

    The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends that all women of reproductive age consume 400 micrograms of folic acid (the synthetic form of folate) each day to help prevent neural tube defects, a class of birth defects affecting the brain and spine.

    (New study suggests high lead levels during pregnancy linked to child obesity, National Institutes of Health)

    Thus went out to the world The High Priests of Mystery, The Wonder-Dreamers, The Yardstick of the Ego, Philosophy of Illusion, God and Clod, Art and Biology, Critics and Test-tubes, Star-dust, and The Dignity of Usury,—to raise storms and rumblings and mutterings that were many a day in dying down.

    (Martin Eden, de Jack London)

    The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends that all women of reproductive age take a daily supplement containing 400 to 800 micrograms of folic acid to reduce the risk of conceiving a child with a neural tube defect, a class of birth defects affecting the brain and spinal cord.

    (Daily folic acid supplement may reduce risk of gestational diabetes, National Institutes of Health)