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Traducere în limba română
uncover verb A. tranzitiv
1. a descoperi, a dezveli.
2. a dezvălui; a demasca; a revela.
3. (mil.) a lăsa descoperit (un front, o aripă a frontului etc.).
4. (şah) a lăsa fără apărare (o figură).
uncover verb B. reflexiv
1. a se descoperi, a se dezveli.
2. (scrimă, box) a se descoperi.
uncover verb C. intranzitiv
a se descoperi, a se dezvălui; a se demasca.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
It contains the 254 color-coded maps (for about 40 cancers), that will make it easy for researchers and state health departments to identify places where high or low rates occur, and to uncover patterns of cancer that would escape notice if larger areas, such as states, were mapped.
(Atlas of Cancer Mortality in the United States, NCI Thesaurus)
A unique set of genes has been uncovered by York University scientists responsible for playing a role in muscle cellular gene expression and differentiation which could lead to new therapeutic targets to prevent the spread of muscle cancer.
(New Genes Found Responsible for Regulating Muscle Cells, Editura Global Info)
If you make a decision earlier in the month near the full moon, you would be wise to wait, for you are likely to uncover a better offer later, just after the new moon of November 26.
(AstrologyZone.com, de Susan Miller)
Using advanced imaging, researchers have uncovered new information regarding traumatic microbleeds, which appear as small, dark lesions on MRI scans after head injury but are typically too small to be detected on CT scans.
(Microbleeds may worsen outcome after head injury, National Institutes of Health)