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Traducere în limba română
unsettled adjectiv
1. nestabilit, nefixat; neorganizat.
2. nehotărât, nedecis, nesigur; vag, confuz.
3. (com.) neachitat, neplătit, nerambursat, neonorat.
4. (chim.) tulbure, neprecipitat, nedepus.
5. (despre ceartă, chestiuni etc.) nedecis, îndoielnic.
6. (despre fundaţii) netasat.
7. (despre ţări) necolonizat.
Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
“Well, she's unsettled at present,” said Mr. Omer.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
I am sure, although absorbed in gazing at the water, that her shawl was off her shoulders, and that she was muffling her hands in it, in an unsettled and bewildered way, more like the action of a sleep-walker than a waking person.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)
In short, we had resolved to take this course, when Dora again unsettled us by declaring that she never would forgive herself, and never would forgive her bad boy, if my aunt remained behind, on any pretence.
(David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)