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Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze:
She remembered nothing more until she awoke and found herself in a beautiful meadow, full of sunshine, and with countless flowers blooming in every direction.
(Fairy Tales, de The Brothers Grimm)
It was discovered in Scotland 50 years ago, but it wasn’t until more recently — using modern fossil extraction methods — that the bones could be pulled out of hard rock.
(Sea Monster Swam Oceans 170 Million Years Ago, Voanews)
They investigated methods that can disintegrate and treat grass until it can be used as a fuel.
(Will We Soon Drive on ‘Grassoline’?, Editura Global Info)
While dark matter concentrations have been detected around large- and medium-sized galaxies, much smaller clumps of dark matter have not been found until now.
(Cosmic Magnifying Glasses Find Dark Matter in Small Clumps, NASA)
Biopolymers and elastomers doped with ferromagnetic CrO2 will heat up when exposed to laser or sunlight, temporarily losing their magnetic properties until they cool down again.
(New Materials Developed by Scientists Able to Move in Response to Light, Editura Global Info)
"Molten" refers to the electrolyte, which is mixed with reactants for iron, carbon or vanadium boride, then heated until the mixture becomes liquid.
(New, high-energy rechargeable batteries, NSF)
The flyby of 2004 BL86 will be the closest by any known space rock this large until asteroid 1999 AN10 flies past Earth in 2027.
(Asteroid to Fly By Earth on January 26, NASA)
But until she is dead I will not grant your wish.
(The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, de L. Frank Baum)
Despite its proximity, because of its dimness Teegarden’s Star was not identified until 2003.
(Researchers find two new planets with masses similar to Earth’s near a small neighbouring star, University of Granada)
Dr Guo said while it was well-known the overuse and misuse of antibiotics could create 'superbugs', researchers were unaware that other chemicals could also induce antibiotic resistance until now.
(Toothpaste and Hand Wash Are Causing Antibiotic Resistance, Editura Global Info)