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    well-looking adjectiv

    frumos, chipeş, arătos.

     Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

    She had before conjectured him to be a stranger like themselves, and determined that a well-looking groom, who was strolling about near the two inns as they came back, should be his servant.

    (Persuasion, de Jane Austen)

    Where I have a regard, I always think a person well-looking.

    (Emma, de Jane Austen)

    “I do not say he is not gentleman-like, considering; but you should tell your father he is not above five feet eight, or he will be expecting a well-looking man.”

    (Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)

    "A well-looking man," said Sir Walter, "a very well-looking man."

    (Persuasion, de Jane Austen)

    Elegant, agreeable manners, I was prepared for, said he; but I confess that, considering every thing, I had not expected more than a very tolerably well-looking woman of a certain age; I did not know that I was to find a pretty young woman in Mrs. Weston.

    (Emma, de Jane Austen)

    They were a remarkably fine family, the sons very well-looking, the daughters decidedly handsome, and all of them well-grown and forward of their age, which produced as striking a difference between the cousins in person, as education had given to their address; and no one would have supposed the girls so nearly of an age as they really were.

    (Mansfield Park, de Jane Austen)

    Mrs Clay had freckles, and a projecting tooth, and a clumsy wrist, which he was continually making severe remarks upon, in her absence; but she was young, and certainly altogether well-looking, and possessed, in an acute mind and assiduous pleasing manners, infinitely more dangerous attractions than any merely personal might have been.

    (Persuasion, de Jane Austen)

    Mr Shepherd hastened to assure him, that Admiral Croft was a very hale, hearty, well-looking man, a little weather-beaten, to be sure, but not much, and quite the gentleman in all his notions and behaviour; not likely to make the smallest difficulty about terms, only wanted a comfortable home, and to get into it as soon as possible; knew he must pay for his convenience; knew what rent a ready-furnished house of that consequence might fetch; should not have been surprised if Sir Walter had asked more; had inquired about the manor; would be glad of the deputation, certainly, but made no great point of it; said he sometimes took out a gun, but never killed; quite the gentleman.

    (Persuasion, de Jane Austen)