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     Exemple de propoziții și/sau fraze: 

    You have widely mistaken my character, if you think I can be worked on by such persuasions as these.

    (Pride and Prejudice, de Jane Austen)

    And the fact is, my dear Mr. Copperfield, that we can not live without something widely different from existing circumstances shortly turning up.

    (David Copperfield, de Charles Dickens)

    Widely expressed in adult tissues (highest in heart, small intestine, colon, liver, and prostate) by human NTN1 Gene (Laminin Family), 604-aa 68-kDa (precursor) Netrin 1 contains an N-terminal laminin domain, 3 laminin EGF-like domains, and an NTR domain.

    (Netrin 1, NCI Thesaurus)

    Widely expressed human NRCAM Gene (L1/Neurofascin/NgCAM Family) encodes alternative isoforms of Neuronal Cell Adhesion Molecule, a cell adhesion ankyrin-binding potential type I membrane protein involved in neuron-neuron adhesion and containing 5 fibronectin type III domains and 6 Ig-like C2-type domains.

    (Neuronal Cell Adhesion Molecule, NCI Thesaurus)

    All this while, as I say, I was still running, and without taking any notice, I had drawn near to the foot of the little hill with the two peaks and had got into a part of the island where the live-oaks grew more widely apart and seemed more like forest trees in their bearing and dimensions.

    (Treasure Island, de Robert Louis Stevenson)

    Widely expressed by human ADORA3 Gene (GPCR1 Family), 318-aa 36-kDa Adenosine A3 Receptor is a cell-surface integral membrane protein containing 7 transmembrane domains and 3 potential N-glycosylation sites that interacts with a heterotrimeric G protein complex in response to adenosine ligand to suppress cAMP accumulation through adenylate cyclase inhibition.

    (Adenosine Receptor A3, NCI Thesaurus)

    A team from the Australian government’s research agency, the CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization), says the pioneering technology will allow highly flammable hydrogen to be safely transported in the form of ammonia and used as a widely available fuel.

    (Cars Powered by New Fuel Type Tested in Australia, VOA)

    Encoded by growth factor and E2F-regulated widely expressed human ASK Gene, 77-kD nuclear Activator of S Phase Kinase (dup) is a cyclin-like regulatory subunit of CDC7L1 kinase involved in G1/S transition.

    (Activator of S Phase Kinase, NCI Thesaurus)

    I did not mean, I was not thinking of the slave-trade, replied Jane; governess-trade, I assure you, was all that I had in view; widely different certainly as to the guilt of those who carry it on; but as to the greater misery of the victims, I do not know where it lies.

    (Emma, de Jane Austen)

    Of 702,308 adult deaths due to heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes, 318,656 (45%) were associated with inadequate consumption of certain foods and nutrients widely considered vital for healthy living, and overconsumption of other foods that are not.

    (How dietary factors influence disease risk, NIH)